CEBC COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols

  • Every attendee must pre-register at and provide their contact information. Registration will open on Tuesdays at 9 a.m. and will close when capacity has been reached. Each person will need to pre-register (for example, a family of 4 will need to register 4 times). Guests will also need to pre-register.
  • Stay home if you are sick or have experienced any symptoms (even mild ones) in the past 10 days (see the BCCDC website for a list of COVID-19 symptoms).
  • Wearing a mask while in the building is mandatory for everyone over the age of 5.
  • Respect physical distancing guidelines (2 metres apart from others) at all times, including when you’re outside and in the parking lot.
  • Chinese congregation members must exit the church building by 10:45 a.m. English congregation members can only enter the church building after 11:15 a.m. (English service will start at 11:30 a.m.)

Upon entry of church building (via main entrance only)

  • Sanitize your hands at the entrance and check in with the ushers at the registration table.
  • If you have not pre-registered and there is availability, please complete the contact form.
  • On the 1st Sunday of the month, collect your own communion elements.
  • You will be ushered to your seats. Those in the same household can sit together.


  • There is a maximum of TWO people in the washroom at one time. If the washroom is full, please line up outside and maintain physical distancing.
  • Use only the bathroom stalls marked for your congregation (Chinese or English).

After the worship service

  • The congregation will be dismissed by row.
  • Exit using only the side sanctuary door (English congregation) or the back cafeteria doors (Chinese congregation). Do not re-enter the lobby or use the main entrance.
  • Please leave the church premises as soon as possible after service and avoid lingering in the parking lot.

Frequently asked questions

  1. Will there be Children’s worship or child care available?
    Not at this time. We are looking at other avenues to help families through this difficult time.
  2. How do I give my tithes and offering?
    Currently, there are three options:
    1. Mail a cheque to church (see mailing address)
    2. Deposit in the tithes and offering box at church on Sundays
    3. E-Transfer by emailing:
  3. Will there be food and coffee available?
    Food or beverages will be not be served in the lobby or allowed in the gym (including personal food and drinks).